Tuesday, July 21, 2009

lots of pics to catch up on!


Amanda said...

I am still sad I missed your wedding. I looked at your photographers blog your pic turned out so good. U guys look so happy.

Finch Family said...

Congratulations! I am sorry I couldn't make it to your wedding, I had a class I had to be at that night. :( Be sure and bring your pics to the Bunko so I can see them!

buckaroo bradshaw's said...

Haylee!!! I'm so excited for you!! I can't believe you just got married! That is so wonderful! I have to meet the lucky guy! I'm so illiterate with blogging that I just saw that you posted a comment on my blog back in like April! I would've replied right away if I knew! But now I know and we have to keep in touch! You are a doll and I'll call you the next time we're in UT! Call me if you ever come to AZ! Call me whenever anyway! :) All the best!! -Kelsee